Disclaimer: The results cannot be guaranteed as each individual is different.

No matter what I need, you always help cure my problems.
— J.E.

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all the treatments you have done for me. I started a Chemo drug in 2013, which left me with no taste at all. It was hard to cook and awful to eat and not be able to taste anything.

A friend told me about your office and how they had been helped by your treatments. So I gave it a try and after just 3 treatments I could taste everything!!!

I now see you once a month and we go over my health to see what I may need. In the fall, you treat me for allergies. Now I have no issues with allergies. Because of the Chemo drugs I have dry mouth, and you have helped me with that as well.

No matter what I need, you always help cure my problems.

I have referred many friends to you and they too are amazed at the way you have helped them as well.

Dr. Chang, you are my hero. I wish the insurance companies would see all the good you do and pay you for the visits.

God bless you and your family,
J. E.

From my first appointment with Mr. Chang, I had an overwhelming feeling of relief, I knew I was exactly where I needed to be.
— I.R.

When I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in February, 2003, I was devastated.

I tried taking medication for the disease, but found the side effects to be intolerable, and scarier than any mild exacerbations I had experienced. So I started to researching alternative therapies, and read that acupuncture had been helpful for some patients with MS, but only very limited studies had been done.

I decided to give it a try.

I received treatment regularly from three different acupuncturists, with positive results and no negative side effects!

After about 8 years, the acupuncturist I was seeing became temporarily unavailable, and I needed a short term replacement.

This is how I found Xiong Chang. From my first appointment with Mr. Chang, I had an overwhelming feeling of relief, I knew I was exactly where I needed to be. A few weeks after I started seeing Mr. Chang, I decided to stay with him, even after my other acupuncturist became available again.

In the three years I have been in Mr. Chang's care, my symptoms have been greatly relieved. I was plagued with fatigue, and had to take a nap every day, then would fall asleep at 7pm. I had some heaviness in my right leg, which is almost completely gone. He has successfully treated my bladder and balance issues, and when those pre-menopausal hot flashes started, he eliminated them completely! Last year I had my usual yearly bout with allergies, and since he treated me for that, they have not returned. In fact, as I write this, I'm having to really think hard about the symptoms I used to have. Which is a good thing.

Mr. Chang is without a doubt the most professional acupuncturist I have seen. He is greatly respectful of my privacy. He also offers practical lifestyle advice to compliment the therapy, and his positive energy is contagious!

Lastly, I will address what I consider to be a very important fact about Mr. Chang. He is Chinese. He was born and raised and educated in China. That's not to say that American acupuncturist can't be good. I've seen two over the years, and they were very good.

But there is something about a practitioner who has been immersed in the culture that has used TCM and acupuncture for thousands of years that is valuable beyond measure. Something that is just as valuable as the complete trust I have in Mr. Chang. His competency and skill is unmatched by any medical professional I have seen in any discipline or specialty, Eastern or Western, Alternative or Allopathic.

I'm grateful to be in his care, and I highly recommend him to anyone without hesitation.

I. R.

At some point in the last ten years I developed a condition known as gustatory sweating. At first I would sweat profusely after eating. Then I would have a reaction just being around food. These actions would start as an odd feeling in my mouth. Then progress to a sweating and flushing of the face and chest. My hair would get soaked and people would be concerned for my wellbeing. This would go on until late at night and sometimes I would awake to find sheets soaked as though I was suffering from a fever. The condition seemed to snowball. As more things made me sweat I would avoid those situations. My condition got to the point that I avoided being around others during meals. Going out to eat was out of question. At its worst it did not matter what I ate. Even reading an article or food container would cause a reaction. It was very embarrassing.

I asked every doctor I went to about the condition, to no avail. Medications only disorientated me but did not help. My dentist, who was formerly an anesthesiologist, suggested I had a nerve problem which was causing a sympathetic reaction. I mentioned the nerve/ sympathetic reaction to my dermatologist. He recommended acupuncture. I decided to try it.

I am very pleased with my experience with acupuncture and the care I received from Chang. He explained the treatments and the concepts very well. Additionally he is a very patient and perceptive listener. The feedback he gave me was very helpful. One of the more meaningful things was to think of the body as a whole. Mind, body, and soul are one.

The depth of my condition was so drastic it took some time for me to see results. After several treatments I began to see progress. Today, approximately one and a half years after beginning acupuncture I rarely experience symptoms. I am confident that I will be completely free of symptoms shortly. Additionally, I mentioned other aches and pains to Chang. These included neck pain ( I can turn my head again!) , hernia, hemorrhoid a, prostrate trouble, and residual pain from a broken leg. He was able to relieve the severity all of those. I recommend acupuncture and Chang to anyone who is seeking relief from pain and stress.

- J. R.

I now have no pain. I do not need a cane anymore. I am now 80 and feel better than I have in years.
— T.F.

Acupuncture for me has been a real healing experience. I am an 80 yr old female weighing 247lbs. I started with Chang in March of 2014.  I was in a lot of pain. I had been to Physical Therapy & already used up half my Medicare visits. Therapy was very painful and the results lasted about 10 minutes. I didn't want Cortisone shots & I decided to try acupuncture. My problem was my knees.

Over the years I had fallen on my knees a lot because of weak ankles. My knees were swollen and I haven't been able to kneel for at least 20 years. The knee problem couldn't be fixed with an operation. Some days I needed a cane to walk. Getting up from a chair was excruciating and getting up from a low chair almost impossible. I also could not sit for more than about 10 minutes because my knees would cramp up and I would have to stand up immediately. I was taking 2 Aleve a day for the pain. Normally I don't take pills for pain or headaches etc. 

I started sessions twice a week. Chang warned me it would take longer because of my weight and age. I discovered that you paid for the hour of acupuncture so anything you wanted fixed could be added into the treatment. In 2013 I spent most of the year suffering from allergies and sinus problems. I took Zyrtec and Benadryl every day & a $45 nose spray all prescribed by my doctor. Chang fixed all that,  fixed a pinched nerve in my neck, a frozen shoulder, neck pain, lower back pain and my knees plus a pinkie & fingers that wouldn't curl. I now have no pain. I do not need a cane anymore. I am now 80 and feel better than I have in years. I owe it all to acupuncture.

- T. F.

Thank you for greatly helping me with my back pain
— E. Virginia Bayliss, M.D., D.F.A.P.A.

I want to thank you for greatly helping me with my back pain. When I came to see you, I had so much pain it was difficult to bend over to tie my shoes and getting into my car in the mornings was especially painful. As a result of the effective acupuncture, you provided I have remained pain-free as long as I continue exercising to maintain the flexibility and range of motion you achieved with the wonderful acupuncture treatments.

In the past, I have had acupuncture but it has never been as effective as the treatments which you provided. You are particularly gifted and skilled with acupuncture. Your impressive resume shows how excellent your training has been at one of the top medical schools in China and then working in one of the top three hospitals in China. In Charlottesville, you have been helping patients since 2008.

I know from personal experience it is a pleasure to work with you and be your patient. I refer patients who are suffering with pain to you for acupuncture to help relieve their pain. I enormously appreciate your help to me and others.


-E. Virginia Bayliss, M.D., D.F A.P.A.

Chang has greatly resolved issues I have had with sciatica, energy, allergies, asthma and general Health.
— Mary Carroll

Acupuncture Chang has greatly resolved issues I have had with sciatica, energy, allergies, asthma and general "feel good" health.  I have been able to continue working while receiving the needed acupuncture/cupping care that has worked so well for me with the use of fewer medicines as I continue in preventive care.  Chang is gifted and I am hoping his medical care will also work for you. 

- Mary Carroll

It was a miracle.
— Professor Carolyn M.

I have Multiple Sclerosis. One morning, as I was counting out my day’s medications—ten prescribed drugs, two prescribed ointments, and my daily anti-MS injection—I said to myself, “I can’t stand this anymore! I’ll try anything!” For while this regimen was keeping most of the MS damage bay, I was still in pain, and I was exhausted and stressed.

Now I am not a person who believes in what some might call “alternative modalities.” I do not read horoscopes and I certainly don’t place any faith at all in the curative powers of crystals. But acupuncture has been around for thousands of years, and penicillin was only discovered in 1928. I’d told myself I’d try anything. Why not this?

I did some studying. I found that acupuncturists educated in China have twice the number of hours of training as those in the US.  Furthermore, I learned that Chinese acupuncturists are being taught alongside doctors with Western training, using the best of both schools of thought to help the patient.

It was my lucky day when I found acupuncturist Xiong Chang. He was—and is—kind,  compassionate, and wonderfully competent. Just by putting his hand on my back he could locate the point that triggered the pain above and below it. Somehow, he knew where to insert a needle in my shoulder to relieve the pain in my scalp. The pain in my hip? It began over there! Furthermore, Chang’s calm and concerned presence, his skillful use of massage and cupping—a treatment I’d never heard of before—and the restful atmosphere of his office helped me leave my fatigue and stress behind. It was a miracle!

And so I began to have more treatments and do more research. Many detractors scorn the theory behind acupuncture—“meridians” and “qi”—just as some used to ridicule Native Americans for their use of willow bark for pain and fever—until, of course, it was discovered that willow bark contains the same active ingredient as aspirin.

From my point of view, whatever the ancient story to explain the effectiveness of acupuncture didn’t matter. What mattered was the outcome. It turns out that a number of highly-regarded hospitals and clinics are now finding there is a statistically-significant result from the use of acupuncture. The Journal of the American Medical Association has reported on this, as have the New York Times, the Cleveland Clinic, and Johns Hopkins hospitals. If you are interested in these citations, Chang has a list.

It now it turns out (as you knew it would) that—in the hands of a skilled practitioner—the twirling of the hair-thin needles releases endorphins, which relieve pain. So there is,  indeed, a measurable and science-based effect. As for me, I feel so much better. It takes awhile, just as any prescription or PT regimen does, but I am willing to bet Xiong Chang can help you feel better, too.

To your good health!

-Professor Carolyn M.

I have always wanted to become a mom. That dream came true after 13 years, with the help of Dr. Chang.
— Susan Zhao

I have always wanted to become a mom. That dream came true after 13 years, with the help of Dr. Chang.   

I have been diagnosed infertility for unknown reasons and even for now, I have no idea why I was put a label like that. I asked almost all OBGYNs I went to about my condition and tried almost all possible methods, hoping to get pregnant, to no avail. Just like many women who have experienced infertility, I have cried for numerous time, month by month, year by year – hopeless is the only word to describe. Getting pregnant seems to be so easy to a lot of women, but not to me. 

One day my sister suggested me to get some help from acupuncture. I decided to give it a try. After doing some research on Internet, I came to Dr. Chang’s office for help. I did not remember what treatment I received for the first treatment, but did remember I fell asleep during the acupuncture process, as I felt really relaxed for the first time. 

No time to waste and action is the key. I started to receive treatment regularly from Dr. Chang for quite a while – twice a week, once a week, and twice a month before and after period. With the help of Dr. Chang, who is not only a professional acupuncturist, but also a teacher explaining the concepts in detail to his patients, I started to learn several basic points for acupuncture, such as Sanyinjiao, Zusanli, and Guanyuan which I’d like to massage myself in addition to the regularly acupuncture treatment.  Unlike penicillin, acupuncture is a treatment that takes time to get results. After several months of regular treatment, I started to see the changes in my body - warm, (of course I did feel the soreness and numbness when Dr. Chang accurately put the pin on those points), better circulation, relaxation, and energetic. 

Another important concept Dr. Chang taught me is meditation, which is really helpful for me to keep a peaceful mind for most of the time. In addition to getting acupuncture treatment on the regular basis, I started to be more involved in sports – such as running and swimming. 

Believe or not, I got pregnant after regular acupuncture treatment for a relatively long period of time. Dr. Chang was the first person to share the good news with, other than my family members. Now I’m a mother of two kids – busy but that’s what I have prayed for years. 

- Susan Zhao

Dr. Chang is a Hidden Gem!
— Qian Cai

I have had seasonal allergy for more than 15 years. Each spring, I had to rely on allergy pills and stayed indoors to survive. This year, out of pure curiosity, I decided to give acupuncture a try. Wow, what a transformation! After three visits, my allergy symptoms reduced significantly, and I didn't feel I needed the medicine. I stopped the pills, and I was fine! After six visits, my symptoms were completely gone! I could hardly believe that my annual spring misery left me in three short weeks! 

And this is no coincidence. With my success, I tried to persuade my teenage daughter to try acupuncture. She had year-round allergy and taking the allergy pill was her daily routine. Not surprisingly, a 15-year-old didn't want to have anything to do with the needles, until one day when her allergy got so bad that she couldn't go to school the next day. "Maybe I'll try acupuncture" she called me from home. Eight visits later, her allergy is gone, and for the first time in 3 years, she is pill free and feels great! 

Dr. Chang is a true expert in Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture. The magical results my daughter and I experienced are a small indication of his in-depth knowledge and masterful skills. Dr. Chang is incredibly kind and humble. His work speaks volumes for him. I feel very fortunate that we have Dr. Chang in our community. He is a hidden gem, and his needles are magical. I only wish I had seen him much earlier. I sincerely hope more people will come to Dr. Chang and experience first-hand the true wonder of TCM and the art of acupuncture. 

Thank you, Dr. Chang. You opened my eyes to a new world!

- Qian Cai

Two Needles
— Lisa Ng

I went to Dr. Chang for a very peculiar reason. I had a fish bone stuck in my throat for a couple of  days, and could not get it out. Swallowing bread and peanut butter didn’t work. Neither did coughing, or drinking a water and vinegar solution. I’d heard of a story of him treating fishbones, so I went to see him.
He put one needle in my lower leg, and another in my arm. During the session, he came in a few times to twist and adjust the needles. As the hour passed, I didn’t feel anything happening. When I got out of the bed, however, I could definitely feel my throat was much looser and the fishbone was not as stuck. After eating dinner, I couldn’t feel anything at all. The fishbone was gone! 

I’d like to offer my sincerest thanks to Dr. Chang for treating my minor, but very uncomfortable case. He is truly amazing.

-Lisa Ng

My plantar fasciitis and hip pain
— J. H.

Dear Dr. Chang:

I want to take this opportunity to tell you how much help acupuncture has helped me.

I’ve come to you for several treatments, each covering two different issues: 

I had been treating plantar fasciitis unsuccessfully for over one year – with  medication, mechanical stretchers for my foot, and with virtually no success.  After a few acupuncture treatments, my foot began to feel better, and I can attest to the fact that my foot is now perfectly well, as it has been for over one year since my last treatment.

I returned to your office early this year to obtain relief from hip pain.  A 50-year-old hip fracture repaired with two pins was now described by my orthopedic surgeon as “severely arthritic”.  Even walking was becoming difficult.  I was told I would likely need a hip replacement within one year.  In addition, osteoarthritis in my right hip was causing significant pain.  However, after only six acupuncture treatments my pain as been totally reversed – I have NO pain in either hip.

Thank you for all your help. 

Yours truly,

J. H.

Dry Macular Degeneration. My ophthalmologist has documented my eye improvement and stabilization of my vision.
— T. C. Hess

“When my eye Dr. told me that my vision loss was due to Dry Macular Degeneration and there was no treatment I decided to research other options outside of western medicine. I have had acupuncture treatments for dry macular degeneration for the last three years with very good results. Xiong Chang has been trained by one of the leading acupuncture Doctors in the world specializing in treatment of the eye. My Ophthalmologist has documented my eye improvement and stabilization of my vision with exams every six months since I started treatment and has been favorably impressed with the results.” T. C. Hess

Dr. Chang is absolutely amazing! He has changed my life dramatically. I am more energized, less worried, and better able to handle life now that I get acupuncture from Dr. Chang.

Acupuncture was always a mystery for me. I could not understand how those teeny-tiny little needles could heal your body. Now I understand what they mean when people say that Eastern medicine has had so many more years to perfect their craft than Western medicine. I had a serious car accident that left me with a severe concussion. Concussions are tricky to treat. Time is what typically heals concussions. I wanted to hurry the process by doing something. I wanted to go to anybody who could possibly help me. I went to Dr. Chang’s acupuncture, a chiropractor, yoga classes, massage therapy, physical therapy, and my own rest. As my concussion began to heal, I slowly stopped going to all of these services. The one thing I continue to go to is acupuncture with Dr. Chang. I found acupuncture most helpful of all the services!  

I had a severe concussion after a serious car accident. He has changed my life dramatically. I am more energized, less worried and better able to handle life now.
— Dawn Hudgins

Now I use Dr. Chang’s service for overall wellness. When I come in to the office, Dr. Chang always greets me by shaking my hand and greeting me. Then he brings me back to a room so there is privacy for me to talk. Dr. Chang is a great listener and really understands what you are talking about. This skill comes with his years of experience. After describing what I want to focus on, Dr. Chang checks my pulse, looks at my tongue (cool!), and takes notes. Then we enter a treatment room where there is a table with the best body pillow ever! It’s so comfortable! Dr. Chang gives you time to prepare by taking your shoes and socks off and getting comfortable with that pillow. Then before entering the room, Dr. Chang knocks on the door and waits for your response before entering. Dr. Chang inserts the needles wherever they need to go. It does not hurt. Then he says, “now relax and heal yourself”. He gives you a bell in case you need him. Then he dims the lights and turns on relaxing music before leaving the room. There are usually three segments of the treatment where Dr. Chang comes into the room to adjust the needles. This same routine each session makes me feel safe and cared for. After the treatment is over, Dr. Chang asks how I feel and sends me on my way. I’m able to use my HSA card to pay which is nice. I’m also able to make my appointment as early as 8:00 am so I can make it to work.  

I highly recommend Dr. Chang’s services to everyone! When I’m finished with a session with Dr. Chang; I feel revived, grounded, and able to handle the day.

My Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is reduced by about 90% and I am delighted!
— Ginny H.

I came to Dr. Chang in hopes that his Acupuncture treatments could reduce or eliminate my Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) which was making it difficult for me to sleep. Within two treatments, I noticed a reduction in both the episodes of RLS and the severity. Now, after a few months, my legs are significantly calmer and my sleep uninterrupted. The restlessness of my legs is reduced by about 90% and I am delighted!

Dr. Chang is knowledgeable, caring, and puts patient safety and healing first. I recommend him and Acupuncture Chang wholeheartedly.